This project has finished

This project started on 6 Mar 2019 and finished 1 Jan 2021

Landcare Australia Inc has put together a list of contacts for fire recovery efforts in relation to the most recent fires.
It doesn't yet include a link to the Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund (The GERF).
which is set up to provide immediate asistance to fire affected households. We've now asked for its inclusion.

There is also some information from the 2009 fires at the link below that could be useful to people needing information on how to proceed after the fires.

There are a lot of steep slopes that have been burned and need protection to prevent erosion. We thought it was huge locally, but East Gipsland is so big and the fires are still going. It is a massive project needing money, materials and labour, hopefully some of this arrives in a timely manner to mitigate further run-off from the firegrounds into waterways.

Preventing erosion and sediment washing into the creek seems to need a lot of each of these comodities:
Rice straw or similar
wire netting
pegs to hold wire netting
people, paid or volunteer, to fix barriers across slopes to slow down and channel run-off so that it causes less damage.

Yinnar Community Garden is collecting garden plants for Mallacoota. You can contact them through their facebook page, which also has a link to people making pouches etc. for injured wildlife.