Junior Landcare of Wetland Habitat

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Children, in the company of their parents, learned from Torquay Landcare members, how to plant wetland plants at the newly established wetlands of the Freshwater Creek Steiner school.

At the Freshwater Creek Steiner School annual Open Day and Spring Fair, good crowds attended and activities were many and varied; including food stalls, wholesome produce stalls, organic vegetables, clothing, handmade craft, children’s toys, children’s games, farm animals to pat, camel rides. Musicians entertained the crowd, helping make the ambiance of the day both happy and relaxed.

A new addition this year was the Torquay Landcare marquee, situated adjacent to the wetland that was constructed within the school grounds and planted out in 2007. In loud clear voices, Torquay Landcarers, rostered over the day to be a presence at the marque, invited all passers by to ‘plant a plant’.  Children and their parents paused long enough to do just that.  The planting was carefully supervised by Torquay Landcare members and information about wetland habitat was conveyed in the process.

Each individual / family group was given a lucky number, in order to facilitate a lucky draw. 
There were two prizes of $25 vouchers from ‘Peaches’, Surfcoast Highway Torquay or Heyers Road, Grovedale.  The winners were: Lisa Bohne, Grovedale and Robert Davies Geelong

In addition to TLG committee members, special thanks are due to Karen McCoombe and Noel Read who gave unstintingly of their time during the day. It was they who helped sustain the roster at the marquee. Brian Vagg we thank too for his help in carrying the many buckets of mulch during the final planting at the end of the day. 

Plants were donated by Graeme Stockton of Westcoast Indigenous Nursery.  “I too have an interest in the success of the wetlands”, said Graeme.