Wildlife Art Exhibition

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A unique opportunity - so be there!

Mark Trinham's wildlife paintings are being exhibited for a four day period, at Minya winery.  These acrylic paintings (60x50cm) form the basis for the SCIPN wildlife collector cards.  Birds, reptiles and insects all form part of the first series of 45 cards.  In time, Mark will produce two more series, with the total number of paintings and cards amounting to 135.  

Mark has committed his artistic endeavours to capturing and conveying the wonders of the natural world in the Surf Coast & inland plains area.  His work is very carefully researched and represented with artistic integrity.  Even if you come away from the exhibition without having bought a painting, a visit to the exhibition should form an essential part of your weekend 30/10 - 3/11/09.

Your children and grandchildren will want to collect the cards (now $20 for set of 45 cards with folder); you will want a painting!

For more information, contact Fee Crawford 52614690.