Strategies for Feeding Cattle in a Tough Season

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In response to the prolonged dry in many areas of Victoria,
DPI is offering a FREE PHONE SEMINAR for cattle producers.

Strategies for Feeding Cattle in a Tough Season

When:  Tuesday 12th September
Time:   1.00pm to 2.00pm

REGISTER NOW on 1800 094 517

In response to the prolonged dry in many areas of
Victoria, DPI is offering a FREE PHONE SEMINAR for
cattle producers. This seminar will be conducted
by DPI staff via telephone (seminar call is
free of charge) and will cover areas including:

* Planning for the dry season
* Having enough stock water
* Which stock to sell and which stock to keep
* How much hay and grain will be needed
* Securing supplementary feed supplies early
* Early weaning – is it an option?
* Grain feeding and acidosis
* Deficiencies and disease related to
  insufficient energy supply and grain feeding

Cheryl Graham - Wangaratta DPI,
Liz Parker - Benalla DPI
and Emma Weatherly - Hamilton
will be the speakers for this seminar.
Cheryl will talk about strategic planning and
feeding issues and Emma will discuss early weaning.
Liz Parker, district veterinary officer, will
speak about the health issues that are likely to
arise during a tough season.
There will be an opportunity at the end of the
presentation to ask questions on your own issues
related to managing your herd through this
dry period.

To participate in the phone seminar you must
register on 1800 094 517.
There is no charge for this phone call.
To receive the notes in time for the seminar
you will need to register prior to
Thursday 7th September.

This is a short time frame so do it today.

Once you have registered, you will be given
a 1800 number to call on the day to link you
to the seminar.
Participants who register will receive notes for
the presentation plus a copy of the DPI booklet on
“Drought Feeding and Management of Beef Cattle”
and a Feed Test sample bag.

For further information contact Cheryl Graham,
Department of Primary Industries on
(03) 5723 8682 or 0409 143 169.