Goulburn Murray Landcare Network

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Our purpose

Network established 1995

Goulburn Murray Landcare Network is a voluntary, community run forum, operating within the Agricultrual Floodplains Area, located in the Goulburn Broken and North Central Catchments of Victoria. The Goulburn Murray Landcare Network area covers approximately 3000 square kilometers and networks 25 Landcare groups.

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Our committee

John Laing


03 5821 3530

Landcare Facilitator Contact

Fiona Stuart or Dan Walker
Landcare Facilitator

Postal address

82 Wyndham Street, Shepparton VIC 3630

Regions we're part of

Region 1
Goulburn Broken


Broken Creek Improvement Group

The Broken Creek Improvement Group is currently in recess.

Bunbartha Kaarimba Landcare Group

The Bunbartha Kaarimba Landcare group came into being in 1990, and was initially concentrating their efforts on depression planting, filling...

Congupna Tallygaroopna Landcare Group

Since forming in 1997, the Congupna Tallygaroopna Landcare group have planted thousands of trees and are slowly changing the landscape...

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Upcoming events

There are no upcoming events.

Past events

Group event Event ended 27 Feb 2013

Landcare Summer Luncheon

Group event Event ended 18 Nov 2012

Birds at Breakfast on the Boulevard

Do you know how many birds are along the Goulburn River in Shepparton?

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Group news and project updates

News, 29 Aug 2016,

Soil Project Officer position advertised

Part time 0.4 FTE 3 months minimum Reports to GMLN Executive.

News, 15 Aug 2022,

Staff and contact details

GMLN currently employs two Landcare Facilitators who work part time (16-24 hours per week) and a Biodiversity officer.

Our network is here

82 Wyndham Street, Shepparton VIC 3630