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Bank stabilisation has been undertaken by Yelta Landcare Group at Cowanna Bend to reduce erosion, sedimentation and to curb destructive impacts of wayward recreation.

            Reduce recreational pressures on eroding elevated bank on southern side of the second cutting at Cowanna Bend through track rationalisation, revegetation and bank stabilisation.
            The Cowanna Bend area managed by Parks Victoria is situated within the Yelta Landcare Boundary (See attached maps).  The Yelta Landcare Group has undertaken track rationalisation and revegetation works at Cowanna Bend in the past with mixed success.  Continued pressure from vehicles and particularly motorcyclists has undermined some of these works.
 What are we doing to fix the problem?

Bank stabilisation: Stabilise bank on southern side of second cutting at Cowanna Bend through the use of silt traps and revegetation.  Silt traps will capture sediments that were previously washed away during rain events.  Use of ponding techniques when revegetating will reduce run-off from the rationalised track and thereby limit the erosive force of the run-off.
Revegetation: As mentioned above, revegetation using ponding techniques will assist with stabilising the bank and preventing further erosion.  Irrigation of revegetation will be undertaken to encourage growth and achieve a better success rate.  Irrigation will be fed from a Yelta Landcare Group member’s pressurised water supply.  Trees will be staked and guarded.
Ongoing Maintenance: Revegetated area will require ongoing maintenance with watering and weed control.  Yelta Landcare Group will ensure the tree-watering schedule is maintained.   
Monitoring: Several members of the Yelta Landcare Group live in the vicinity of the proposed site and use the area for passive recreation.  They are happy to monitor the condition of the site.