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Community-based program aimed at reducing the rabbit population in the Steels Creek Valley and environs.
Rabbits compete with horses, stock and native animals for food, especially in drier conditions. They contribute to soil loss and erosion, particularly on creeks and around dams and destroy native vegetation and garden plants.
An information workshop with Tim Bloomfield informed members of the issues and provided suggestions for management and reduction of rabbit numbers - harbour reduction and warren destruction, control measures at the appropriate time and the correct use of control measures (poisons, trapping etc.) with an awareness of impact on native species.
 A demonstration day followed,  showing correct usage of Pindone baiting, construction of netted bait stations to avoid native birds and animals from taking the bait. A smoker was used to locate exits of a warren, ripping of warren and burrows was undertaken and a discussion of responsible harbour reduction finished the practical event.
See for more information