Native Vegetation

Burnt trees and renewal of native vegetation after fire, shelterbelts for fire protection and wildlife, landscaping for bushfire, revegetation guides, and rules for clearing native vegetation.


Recovery & renewal of nature (Landcare after the fires - information sheet) - Download (43 KB)

Despite the initial destruction of fires, pastures and bushland will soon recover. The process of recovery is amazing to follow, and the result will be a new or re-invigorated community of plants.

This information sheet includes principles applicable to most properties that affected by fire. However, it does include details and actions specific to the areas north of Melbourne that were impacted by the Mickleham-Kilmore fire in February 2014.

Restoring our landscape: a basic revegetation guide for fire-affected areas - Download (3.7 MB)

The Upper Goulburn Landcare Network produced this guide after the 2009 fires to provide landowners with practical advice and guidelines to allow them to make informed decisions on species selection and how, when and where to plant, and even whether to plant at all, on fire-affected land.

The guide aims to encourage, where appropriate, the planting, retention and protection of local indigenous species. It is primarily directed at landowners in fire-affected rural areas of Mitchell and Murrindindi Shires. It is not intended for garden or home landscaping design.

Restoring our Landscape (Landcare after the fires - information sheet) - Download (46 KB)

This information sheet is a supplement to the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network's booklet Restoring our Landscape: a basic revegetation guide for fire affected areas

Burnt trees - Will they re-grow? - Download (153 KB)

City of Whittlesea bushfire recovery fact sheet 

Burnt trees - A valuable resource - Download (152 KB)

City of Whittlesea bushfire recovery fact sheet 

Burnt trees and their leaf litter - Nature's protective barrier - Download (152 KB)

City of Whittlesea bushfire recovery fact sheet 

'Shelterbelts for fire protection' by Rod Bird - Download (439 KB)

From issue #49, Winter 2010, Victorian  Landcare & Catchment Management magazine, page 18-20.

Landscaping for Bushfire: Garden Design & Plant Selection 

This Country Fire Authority (CFA) booklet provides information on garden design and plant selection which can be used for new or existing gardens in high-risk bushfire areas.

Landscaping for Bushfire: Garden Design & Plant Selection (2022) (CFA)

Plant Selection Key

Use the CFA's online Plant Selection Key to help choose plants for a garden in a high bushfire risk area.

Landscaping & example gardens

The CFA's landscaping webpage includes a garden design for busfire video and practical examples of landscaping for bushfire gardens in four risk environments - rural, hill, coastal and suburban.

Clearing Trees & Vegetation

Hazardous tree removal after bushfire factsheet (Department of Energy, Environment & Climate Action)

Protecting homes against bushfire - rules for clearing of native vegetation.

Preparing for bushfire 10/30 Rule, 10/50 Rule & fence line clearing (CFA)

Shelterbelts & wildlife

Shelterbelts can provide significant habitat for wildlife and productivity benefits to a farming property. Shelterbelts can also act as wildlife corridors, help control erosion, and provide pest control benefits.

Effective shelterbelt design (Agriculture Victoria)

Shelterbelt maintenance and management (Agriculture Victoria)

Shelterbelts for control of wind erosion (Agriculture Victoria)

Shelterbelts and wildlife (Agriculture Victoria)