Riparian Areas & Water Quality

Bushfires potential impact on water quality, stream ecosystems and making soil more
prone to erosion.

Riparian land & bushfire 

Floods and fires on riparian land (Department of Energy, Environment & Climate Action)

Riparian land & bushfire - resource document (CFA)

Bushfires & water quality

Bushfires have the potential to degrade water quality and alter the dynamics of stream ecosystems in many complex ways.

Bushfires & water quality (Water Quality Australla)

Erosion & water supply

Bushfire recovery, erosion & water supply (Government of South Australia, Natural Resources - Adelaide & Mt Lofty Ranges)

Sediment fences

How to building sediment fences YouTube (Agriculture Victoria) 

Building a sediment fence (Agriculture Victoria)

Building a sediment fence to protect your dam (Agriculture Victoria)