Personal well-being

Travelling the road to recovery videos from Dr. Rob Gordon and trauma fact sheets.

Dr Rob Gordon 

Travelling road recovery video series - Dr Rob Gordon

Preparing your mind to survive disasters - Dr Rob Gordon - (ABC News)

Personal well-being

Personal well-being after an emergency (VicEmergency)


Trauma and primary school age children (Dept of Health - Better Health Channel)

Trauma and children - newborns to two years (Dept of Health - Better Health Channel)

Trauma and children - two to five years (Dept of Health - Better Health Channel)

Trauma and teenagers – common reactions (Dept of Health - Better Health Channel)

Trauma and teenagers - tips for parents (Dept of Health - Better Health Channel)

Trauma and families (Dept of Health - Better Health Channel)

Trauma - helping family or friends (Dept of Health - Better Health Channel)