Farming in a Changing Climate Workshop


19 High St

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Lismore Land Protection Group

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Climate Risk & drivers of Weather

Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme & Agriculture - update

Presenter: Graeme Anderson, Department of Primary Industries

Greenhouse gas emissions on farms

- sources of on farm emissions

- available calculators to estimate them

- potential abatement strategies

Presenter: Sarah Holland-Clift, Department of Primary Industries

Jigsaw farms case study

- Jigsaw Farms is a 4900 hectare farm owned & managed by Mark Wootton & Eve Kantor

- Over the past 11 years they have been striving to build a farming system that brings all the pieces of the sustainable agriculture puzzle together – thus the name “Jigsaw Farms”!

Presenter: Mark Wootton, Jigsaw Farms


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Lismore Land Protection Group

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19 High St