This event is part of
In order to bring locals together, Surf Coast & Inland Plains Network (SCIPN) is planning a Landcare Festival to celebrate landcare achievements and to look to the future of Landcare in the district.
Guest speakers:
• Graeme Anderson Senior Subject Specialist on Climate change from Farm Services Victoria, Graeme will talk about the Thompsons Creek Catchment and explore, future issues that will relate to this area.
· Chris Sounness DPI on communicating seasonal/climate variability and risk and options for farmers in approaching change.
· Liz Hamilton: Bioenergy Industry developments across Victoria - and future options emerging for farmers.
· Greening Australia demonstration using Direct seed methods
· Tim Johnston and Damian Bougoure on Soil Science and Biology of soils.
· Ginny Forest Carbon Market updates – Earn an Income from trees $$$.
· Andrew Lucas Transition Towns: Think Local, Grow Local, Sell Local
· Also talks with practical things to do via the ‘Greenhome’ and ‘Sustainable Water’ programs.
Celebration Dinner on Saturday evening with Cultural Events.
Live in Shared accommodation is available for 30 people (at no cost to
the people who book a place). A -1 Day, 2 Day, either Day - catered
packages available. Bookings essential as accommodation & events
are catered. RSVP 0429483691. (See application form this Newsletter).
Fun as well as an informative gathering is assured.