Green Fire-Walls Project By Lakes Entrance Community Landcare


Firewise Shelterbelt Design Brochure - Download (4 KB)

This brochure provides examples of native vegetation that should be considered in a fire-wise shelterbelt design.

Firewise Garden Design Brochure - Download (4 KB)

This brochure provides examples of native vegetation that should be considered in a fire-wise garden design.

Lakes Entrance Community Landcare have completed a fascinating and useful study into fire protection through revegetation. They have found that a number of native plants have fire-retardant and/or fire-resistant properties that make them a good choice around properties in fire-prone areas. 

Native vegetation sustains life, and many native East Gippsland plants possess 'fire-wise' properties. We can plant our way to greater fire safety!

The Group have developed a number of audio-visual presentations to cover the following topics:

Part 1.a - Introduction to Green Fire Walls

Part 1.b - How to create fire-wise shelterbelts/ Benefit of native vegetation on farms and reserves

Part 1.c - How to create a fire-wise garden/Rainforests as natural fire suppressants

Part 2 – Concerns About Planned Burns

More information, including the series of presentations, can be found at the Lakes Entrance Community Landcare Website: