
Our regular email newsletter to all subscribers including all things Landcare and beyond. A one stop shop for news, events and grant opportunities.

If you would like to subscribe to our newsletter, you can do so here:

Click below for a link to our most recent newsletters:

September 25th 2023:


*AGM notice

*Volunteer Planting at Glenaladale - EGW Project

*Lungs of the Lakes Project Video

*Koala Scat collection training

*Prepare for Drought Booklet

*Breakfast with the Birds - Eastwood Landcare Group

September 11th 2023:


*Lungs of Lakes Bird and Frog Field Trips

*Glenaladale Police Community Safety Talks

*Leon Costermans coming to Bairnsdale

*Shire Environmental Sustainability Plan

August 28th 2023:


*Join the EGLN Committee

*EGLN Educational Priorities survey

*Digging Animals in agricultural landscapes - survey

*Proposed Associations Incorporation Reform feedback

*Bengworden Planting Volunteers needed.

*Landscape Rehydration Project - Licola

*Gippsland Forests Dialogue

August 14th 2023:


*Lungs of the Lakes Bus Trips

*Save the Date - Princesses of Planting in EG

*VLG Boundary Road Project Update

*VLP 2022 Report Card

July 31st 2023:


*Landcare Week Introduction

*Group Spotlight - Eastwood

*Rotary Award volunteering

*East Gippsland Marine and Coastal Management Plan Feedback

*'For Our Elders' Webinar Recording

July 17th 2023:


*Moilun Creek Revegetation

*Lakes Entrance Community LG Sea Spurge Eradication

*Romawi Landcare Group

*Draft Victorian Biosecurity Strategy Feedback

July 3rd 2023:


*EG Winter Festival Lakes Lights - Kingfisher Lantern

*Welcome Facilitator Tracy Neilsen

*EG Winter Festival Plantings

*Nungurner Firewise Garden Opening Ceremony

*Office Update

June 19th 2023:


*Pest to Plate Celebration Dinner

*EG Winter Festival Plantings

*Nungurner School Firewise Garden

*Farm Business Resilience Program

*Entrepreneur Facilitator in Buchan

*EG Shire Farmer Survey Report

*Weed Fast Facts

*Climate Change Authority Coming to East Gippsland

June 5th 2023:


*Tambo Bluff 30th Birthday Celebrations

*Volunteer Planting Days: DEECA and Homeschoolers

May 22nd 2023:


*Creation of Kingfisher Lantern for Winter Festival

*National Volunteer Week Thank You!

*East Gippsland Youth Agritech Expo

*Topsoils Lime Trial Case Study

*EG Shire Agricultural Sector Advisory Committee Positions open

*Reminder LVI Census open

May 8th 2023:


*Enhancing Farm Dams Field Day Report

*Help Harry Planting Day

*VLG Grants Closing reminder

*Eastwood Bird Survey results

*Bioblitz Activity creation

April 24th 2023:


*EG Field Days Round Up

*Prepare for Drought video series

*Fire Wise Project Information from FNPW

April 11th 2023:


*East Gippsland Leadership Forum

*Oneonta Stroll and Picnic

*Enhancing Farm Dams advert/registration

March 27th 2023:


*Eastwood Landcare Group Macroinvertebrates citizen science

*Tambo Bluff LCG Bat citizen science

*Eastwood Clean Up Australia Day report

*Donation from East Gippsland Climate Action Network

*Join our team as a Facilitator - job vacancy

*PPA Market round up

March 14th 2023:


*Koala Volunteers wanted

*Clean Up Australia Day round up

*Tackling Farm Dam Emissions Research

*Biosecurity Strategy Meeting

*Christine Jones in Bendoc & Delegate

*Gippsland Community Deer Forum

*East Gippsland Community Foundation Grants

February 27th 2023:


*PPA Market visits

*Farewell to Carolyn Cameron

*Clean Up Australia Day Events

*LVI Understanding Committee Roles Webinar

*Coastcare Grants Open

*Telstra Connected Grants Program

February 13th 2023:


*Congratulations to Ken Stuart on his AFSM

*Landcare Forum Agenda 

*Stories beneath our feet - Leon Costermans

*Topsoils Videos

*Clean Up Australia Day

*Better Beef Regional Roadshow

*Woolworths Junior Landcare Grants

January 30th 2023:


*EG Seed Bank Update

*Australia Day Awards Recipients 

*Fundraise through LVI

*DEECA Resource Hub for Volunteers

*Environmental Plan Progress

January 16th 2023:


*Welcome to 2023

*Updated Revegetation Ute Guide

*New Office hours for DEECA building, Bairnsdale

*Vale Horrie Poussard

*Uni of Queensland Volunteering survey

*LVI Recruiting Volunteers Webinar

December 19th 2022:

*Merry Christmas!

*2023 Landcare calendars now available

*New association in Lake Tyers catchment

*WESI Update

December 5th 2022:


*EGLN Christmas Party 2022

*Bairnsdale Joey's gain Landcare Badge

*Gelantipy Community Nursery update

*International Farmers Survey

*Research into Impact of Climate Change on raising children

*EGW Media Release

*Mapping made easy webinar

*Online Fundraising webinar

*NAB Community Grants

November 21st 2022:


*Facilitator Retreat

*FOPPR Update

*Raymond Island Landcare Newsletter

*Do Stuff That Matters Journal

*Tom's Creek Landcare ALG/Kikuyu Planting Trial

November 9th 2022:


*Welcome to the new 2022-23 Committee

*Launch of 2021-22 Annual Report

*New project Funding announced

*Launch of 'Bare Facts of Climate calendar

*MLA Carbon 101 e-learning modules

October 17th 2022:


*Refresh Meeting Wrap-Up

*Eastwood Landcare Group Bird Survey

*New Metung Landcare Group - Community Meeting

*Bengworden Landcare Group Working Bee

*Coastcare School Kit

*Sustainable Farms Shelterbelt Guide

*Biosecurity Info and Trespassing Laws

October 3rd 2022:


*Can you help with Bengworden and Picnic Point Working Bees?

*Next Refresh meeting at Buchan

*Gippslandscapes podcasts return - Intrepid

*Patagonia Australia Environmental Grants

*Frog Bogs with Marty Potts

*Farming and Grazing for Profit comes to Bairnsdale in 2023

September 19th 2022:


*Calling for photo submissions for the 2023 Landcare calendar

*Lyrebird footage

*October Lungs of the Lakes Challenge 

*What's in your backyard competition

*National Landcare Conference and Youth Forum recordings 

*Farming in a low carbon economy

*Bengworden Cover up for Profit Reporting day

*Eco-Anxiety workshops

September 5th 2022:


*Farewell to Facilitator Hagan Brightman

*Bairnsdale Community Meeting Reminder

*Bairnsdale Field Nats Colouring Competition

*NECMA Bush for Birds Revegetation Videos

*CSIRO Gippsland Lakes Report

*Results of Great Platypus Search

*Nature Fund Grants

*Parks Victoria Volunteering Innovation Fund

August 22nd 2022:


*'Refresh' Community Meetings Update

*Update on The Gippsland Lakes Reef Builder Project

*Victorian Deer Control Community Network membership info

*Recycle Mate App

*Managing Farm Dams to reduce carbon emissions webinar

*EGWater Grants Rd 10 open

August 8th 2022:


*Reminder Community Meetings start this week

*CLM students assist at Lungs of the Lakes Site

*Flora and Fauna Challenge update

*New Weeds Booklet Available

*National Landcare Conference - Local speakers included

*Learning about the Language of Dolphins

July 25th 2022:


*Community Meetings - It's time to hit the refresh button

*Lungs of the Lake Flora and Fauna Competition

*2022 Landcare Week

*Tackle Box - 2 day conference for young landcarers

*East Gippsland Water Media Release - Water discharge

*Victorian Landcare Magazine issue #84

*ResourceSmart Schools Info

*Vic Forests Farm Forestry Grants Program

July 11th 2022:


*New telephone numbers for DELWP Building

*What is my Paddock Telling Me?

*Tambo Bluff AGM

*Build a Frog Hotel

*FUNCi Lyrebird Weekend Event Info

*Nutrien Community Grants Program

June 24th 2022:


*Trials and Tribulations Project Field Day

*Toms Creek Focus Farms for Lovegrass treatment

*Dung Beetle Field Day

*National Landcare Youth Forum

*VLG Grants Open

*Junior Landcare Grants Open

June 14th 2022:

*Landcare Flora and Fauna Challenge - Lungs of the Lake Project.

*Junior Field Naturalist Visits

*2022 National Landcare Conference Tickets

*Fencing Farm Dams reduces methane emissions research

*Impact of Cats in Australia research findings

*Youth Affairs Council Youth Forum in Bairnsdale

*Healthy Equine Land Practices Project News

*East Gippsland Women in Agriculture Dinner

*Emerging Stronger Volunteers Grants

May 30th 2022:


*EOI forms now available

*Bengworden Community Outreach Day

*Eastwood Group Events report

*Community message from East Gippsland Water

*Mistletoe event in Swifts Creek

*Gallagher Fencing Grants

*Bee Friendly Farming grants

May 16th 2022:


*Gang Gang Cockatoo Article

*FEVL monitoring after bushfire report

*Victorian Landcare Gateway survey

*Research findings: Microbats / Recovery after Bushfire / Wellbeing impact of NRM

*First Nations webinar

*Eastwood Landcare Group events - Frog Survey and Planting session

*GLCC Community Grants 2022

May 2nd 2022:


*Rotary volunteers assist with planting

*Bushbank Program - call for interested landholders

*Gippsland Lakes Reef Builder project update

*Ockham's Razor podcast

*Community Outreach events

April 18th 2022:


*East Gippsland Field Days Round up photos

*Have your Say - the future of Landcare in Victoria

*2022 Advisory list of environmental weeds

*Cardinia Shire Shelterbelt Design for Climate Change

*BULG Native Seed collecting workshop

April 4th 2022:


*East Gippsland Field Days update

*True story about meeting Jean Galbraith

*Victorian Waterway Survey

*eDNA webinar series

*Fencing Workshops

*East Gippsland Water Grants Rd 8

March 21st 2022:


*Proactive on Pests Weed Control Update

*Buchan Blue Wattle project signage installed

*Natural Asset Farming book published by Sustainable Farms

*VRAN Leadership in rabbit control course

*Queen's Jubilee Planting Grants

March 7th 2022:


*Gelantipy Community Nursery Update

*Bat and Nest Box Installations

*Landcare Snapshot 2020-2021

*Wombat Gate Project

*Impact of Urban Cats

*Carbon Workshop

February 22nd 2022:


*EGLN at the National Resilience Agency Community Day in Buchan

*Seedbank News in the Landcare Magazine

*NLP Smart Farms Project Video release

*Gippsland Lakes Reef Builder Project Update

*Save the Date EG Field Days - call for volunteers

*Serrated Tussock Community Grants

February 7th 2022:


*East Gippsland Community Seedbank Update

*Sustainable Living Expo

*Carbon Accounting Webinar

Chilean Needle Grass Paddock Walk

*Birdlife Australia Workshops

January 24th 2022:


*Lungs of the Lakes Monitoring Update

*Victorian Rural Women's Network Mentoring Program

January 10th 2022:


*Welcome to 2022 - EGLN plans

*New steps constructed by Tambo Bluff Landcare Coastcare

*EG Shire Draft Sustainability Strategy

*EGCMA Draft Regional Catchment Strategy

*Quolls of Vic/NSW Webinar

December 20th 2021:


*Landcare Roadshow

*Glenaladale Landcare Group News

*Romawi Landcare Notes on Treated Sewerage Discharge

*Virtual Extension Officer

*Farm Gate Producers Program

December 6th 2021:


*Cultural Heritage Workshop

*EGLN Network Meeting 

*Sarsfield Bushfire Resilience Expo

*Tom's Creek African Lovegrass Field Day

*Dargo Paddock Walk

*New Shire Community Infrastructure Grants

November 29th 2021:


*BBRG Buchan Blues Primary School Planting

*Gippsland Lakes Shellfish Reef Project 

*Landcare Magazine Spring 2021 Issue

November 22nd 2021:


*Photos from Koala Clancy Links Project

*Summer by the Sea Amateur Naturalist Challenge

*Volunteering Victoria Webinar: Covid Vaccination Mandate

*Clifton Creek Weed Alert Day

*Glossy Black Cockatoo Webinar

November 15th 2021:


*EGLN Smart Farm and Koala Clancy Filming

*Junior Landcare Development Forum

*Farm Planning for Climate Risk

*East Gippsland Water Grants Rd 8 Open

*Preparing Australian Communities Grants

November 8th 2021:


*2021 VLG Grants announced

*National Recycling Week

*Hay and Silage Making Day Event

November 1st 2021:


*FNPW Banking on the Future: Seedbank Launch

*Help shape the Sustainable Water Strategy

*Fire and Water, Healing Country and People Film

*Regional Community Events Fund Grants

October 25th 2021:


*Landcare Led Project Update: Restoration of the Tambo River Old Course

*Lakes Entrance Community Landcare Green Fire-Walls Project

*Covid-19 Guidance from LVI

*Youth Ready Assessment and Guide Available

*Drones and Thermal Imagery Walk and Talk event

*Environment Restoration Fund Grants available

October 18th 2021:


*EGW Planting Day at Lakes Entrance Golf Club

*Buchan Blue Wattle Planting at Buchan Caves Reserve

*Save the Snow Gum - Citizen Science 

*Australian Bird of the Year

October 11th 2021:


*New EGLN Committee

*LVI East Gippsland Board Vacancy

*EOI for Revegetation Services

*Wild Dog Defence Videos

*Paynesville LCG - New Walking Track signage

*Impact of cats on wildlife

*Youth Volunteering Grants

October 4th 2021:


*Koala Clancy Links Project Update

*News from Friends of Oneonta

*Weed Warriors Demonstration Sites EOI

*Get Grubby Program

*Emerald Link Job vacanices

*Gippsland Ag Chat: Controlling Weeds on my Property webinar

September 27th 2021:


*Landcare Led Proactive on Pests Project Update

*Young Farmer Mentoring Program

*Christine Jones Virtual Field Days

*Maximising the Potential of Farm Dams Webinar

*Networks to Build Drought Resilience Grants

September 20th 2021:


*Eastwood Landcare Group Spring Howittia now available

*Tambo Bluff Working Bee update

*National Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration in Australia

*Permaculture Webinar with Kim Deans

*GAgG Spring Field Day

*Wildlife Rehabilitator Grants

September 13th 2021:


*New fruit netting regulations

*Shire Compost Rebate Program

*Aquatic Species Recovery after Bushfire Postcast from RBMS

*2021 Comedy Wildlife Awards

*On farm Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme

*Smart Farms Small Grants: Soil Extension Activities

September 6th 2021:


*Biodiversity Month

*RCS Have your Say

*Heartbreak to Hope: Submissions sought

*African Love Grass Control Workshops

*Serrated Tussock Community Management Grants

August 30th 2021:

*Raymond Island Landcare Group New Facebook Page

*Victorian Deer Control Community Network Info

*Landcare Magazine Submissions Sought

*Feedback Submissions Sought: Regional Forest Agreements / Mining Exploration Licences / Domestic Animal Management Plan

August 23rd 2021:


*Matt on Win News (Landcare Led Recovery Grants)

*Threatened species bake off

*Call for Grass-fed Beed Producers

*Psychological and Farm First Aid Courses

*Planning Your Future Info Sessions (Succession Planning)

*ARI Bushfire Recovery Surveys Webinar

August 16th 2021:


*Landcare Led Grant announcement: 3 projects funded!!

*Gippsland Food and Fibre Awards

*The Great Australian Platypus Search

*Farm Insurance Webinar

*The message of the Lyrebird: screening in Lakes Entrance

*Carbon Farming Webinar

August 9th 2021:


*East Gippsland Shire - Rural Land Use Strategy feedback requested

*Enhancing Farm Dams Planting Guide - Sustainable Farms

*Webinar - Diving into the World of Choughs and Noisy Miners

August 2nd 2021:


*Regional Agriculture Meeting

*2021 National Landcare Conference - this week

*Revegetation Project Resources

*Gippsland Red Meat Conference Postponed until October

July 26th 2021:


*National Tree Day 2021

*July Edition My Council, My Community

*East Gippsland Farmer Survey 2021

*Bushfire Resilience Webinar Series

July 19th 2021:


*'Waste' Edition

*Wishcycling, balloons and soft plastics

*Speed-date a sustainability expert

*Reshape Our future: Youth Forum and Conference

July 12th 2021:


*VLFP 2021-24 Facilitator Funding Announcement

*Bush for Birds and Wildlife Project Completion

*FEVL rebuilding Habitat for Threatened Wildlife

*Gippsland Red Meat Conference Program

July 5th 2021:


*Early Invader Weeds Update Issue 23

*Omeo Region Agribusiness Program

*Gippsland Red Meat Conference

*Small Business Clinic: Social Media

*Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants

June 28th 2021:


*Wires Landcare Platypus Project Final Results

*BBRG Transforming Weeds Workshop round-up

*Victorian Landcare Magazine - Winter 2021 edition

*EG Shire June 2021 Newsletter

*EG Women in Agriculture Chainsaw Course

*Digital Agriculture Investment Scheme

June 21st 2021:


*Invitation to Platypus Community Webinar

*Transforming Weeds Workshops in Buchan and Clifton Creek

*Bush for Birds Project: Forestec Students help out with planting

*VRAN Rabbits Stage 2: Field Day report

*Landcare Australia/ KMPG report into Wellbeing Benefits of Landcare

*East Gippsland Water Grants Rd 7 Open

*Improving Farm Safety Grants available

June 15th 2021:


*Bush for Birds Project Update: Buchan Planting

*VLG Application date extended to 21st June 2021

June 7th 2021:


*Eastwood and Tambo Bluff Landcare Group Website info

*Platypus Conservancy Newsletter May 2021

*EG Shire: Environment Connect Newsletter

*East Gippsland Bushfire Recovery Committee 2nd Progress Report

*Webinar Recordings available - Sharing Stories of Nature Recovery / AABR Supporting Recovery of Fire Affected Bushland. 

*Gippsland Regional Climate Change Adaptation Grant Program

*FRRR Future Drought Fund Rd 1 Open

*EG Shire Community Grants open

May 31st 2021:


*Seedling Update for landholders

*New EGLN video: Bushfire Recovery Projects from the Ross Trust and The Australian Government

*ARI: Restoration Australia Seminar

May 24th 2021:


*Landcare-Led Bushfire Recovery Grants Program Guidelines

*Update on 2019-20 East Gippsland Water Revegetation Project

*WESI May 2021 Early Invader Weeds Newsletter

*Coastcare Community Grants Program Open

May 17th 2021:


*National Volunteer Week - thank you!

*New EGLN/Koala Clancy Foundation Partnership

*World Bee Day

*Envite Environment - call for EOI for works crew projects

*Climate Outlook Webinar (Ag Vic)

*Supporting Recovery of fire-impacted areas webinar (AABR)

May 10th 2021:


*Wires Platypus Project Update

*Colouring Competition

*Call for submissions: Independent Review of Victorian Wildlife Act 1975

*2021 Landcare Award Nominations open

May 3rd 2021:


*Bunnies at Bushies Flyer

*New Grants available - Landcare-led Bushfire Recovery Grants and 2021 VLG

*The Ian Potter Foundation Lungs of the Lakes Project Update

*Bairnsdale Repair Cafe date

April 26th 2021:


* Save the Date: VRAN Rabbit Control Field Day

* Junior Landcare Learning Centre Survey

* 2021 Young Farmer Scholarships

* Rain on Farm$ webinar recording

* Landscape Rehydration Workshop

April 19th 2021:


*Koalas in Gelantipy with the Ross Trust Monitoring Project

*East Gippsland Grant Finder

*Alpine Ecology Workshop

*Small Property Network Events

*Nature Led Recovery Grants

*Powering Communities Program

*FNPW Bushfire Restoration Grants

April 12th 2021:


*Call for 2021 Field Days Volunteers

*ARI Quarterly Update

*Promote your 2018-2020 VLG Projects

*2021 RRV Gippsland Transport Environmental Projects Pilot

April 6th 2021:


*Eagle Point Landcare Coastcare Clean Up Day results

*Eastwood Landcare Group - Latest Howittia available

*Weed Steaming trials

*FRRR Good Governance in regional and rural areas webinar info

March 29th 2021:


*Bush Heritage Australia Bush Buddies Program

*LVI Members Council Nominations Open

*Landmate Crews Available

*TopSoils Paddock Walk - Buchan

*Mapping Skills Event - Omeo/Benambra

*Weed Action Event - Swifts Creek

*Junior Landcare Biodiversity Grants Open

March 22nd 2021:


*Flaggy Creek Clean Up Australia Day

*East Gippsland Nest Boxes Information Day

*Fire and Burning in Australia - Research Paper

*Dung Beetles Workshop

*East Gippsland Water Grants now open

March 15th 2021:


*Lungs of the Lake Update: site visits with The Ian Potter Foundation

*East Gippsland Nest Box Project Update

*Great Pelican Count Info

*WESI Update

*Fire Recovery SWIFFT Seminar

March 8th 2021:


*2020 Farmer of the Year finalists

*Beyond the Burning Screening

*Australian Platypus Conservancy News

*Native plants available for gardens lost in the Black Summer Bushfires

March 1st 2021:


*EGLN Clean Up Australia Day Events

*LVI Preliminary Notice of AGM

*New EGSC Business Concierge and Funding Opportunities

*Landcare Webinar Series 2021 Update

February 22nd 2021:


*East Gippsland Revegetation Guide

*VRAN Rabbit Control Grant announcement

*Landcare Expo at the Orbost Show

*Clean Up Australia Day

*Tom's Creek Landcare Group - successful African Lovegrass Grant

*EGSC Drought Agribusiness Program 

February 15th 2021:


*EGLN AGM reminder

*Lungs of the Lakes Project Update

*DELWP Biodiversity Response Planning Fact Sheets

*All about Bees with Costa Georgiadis

*Blackberry and Boxthorn Control with Swifts Creek-Ensay Landcare

*Woolworths Junior Landcare Grants

*Community Volunteer Action Grants 2021

February 8th 2021:


*PPA Sub-committee Report

*Ross Trust Bushfire Recovery Project Update

*Eastern Victoria Bushfire Rebuilding Rebate Programs

*Understanding Soil Health with Soil DNA Technology workshop

*GAGG Summer Field Day and Results Dinner

*News Corp Bushfire Fund Grants Rd 4

February 1st 2021:


*CWA Drought Assistance Grants

*Landcare Magazine: Stories wanted

*Landcare Magazine Summer 2021 Issue out now

*Pest, weed and disease management survey

January 25th 2021:


*My Landcare Legacy - are you interested in being involved?

*Landcare Farming: carbon and natural capital benchmarking project

*General Jeffery Soil Health Award

*Across the Seasons: Summer into Autumn

*Volunteer Impact: East Gippsland Webinar

January 18th 2021:


*Native Seed Harvesting: an option for East Gippsland?

*#LoveGippsland Stronger Communities Program

*EGSC January Newsletter

*On Farm 'Internet of Things' Info session

January 11th 2021:


*Job advert for FEVL Bushfire Recovery Officer

*The Platypus is officially listed as vulnerable in Victoria

*VFF Kids to Ag Program

January 4th 2021:


*Welcome to our new facilitator Hagan Brightman

*Project update: GLCC Predator Impact

*Project Announcement: BBRG Buchan Blue Wattle

*Parks Victoria Junior Ranger Program

*New VRAN website

December 21st 2020:


*Wrap-up of 2020 - EGLN and Group Activity

*Draft Gippsland Lakes Law Reform Paper

*Revegetation and Fencing Factsheets

December 14th 2020:


*Join the EGLN Committee

*East Gippsland Landcare Activity Snapshot 2019-20

*Waterwatch/EstuaryWatch Activity Report 2019-20

*Zoos Victoria Koala News

*Major Event Review for Fire Impacted Forests announced.

December 7th 2020:


*Job advert for casual facilitator

*VLG Habitats Project Update - we have bats!

November 30th 2020


*Job advert for casual facilitator

*Update on the Wires Platypus Project Spring Sampling Results

*2020 Gippsland Agricultural Group Virtual Field Days

November 23rd 2020:


*Job advert for casual facilitator 

*Glenaladale Landcare Group News 

*Replacement of private overhead powerlines scheme

*November East Gippsland Shire Council News and Landcare in Focus. 

November 16th 2020


*Information about the echidna and koala

*Good news for Glossy Black Cockatoo Support in East Gippsland

November 9th 2020


*Tree of heaven blitz

*GLaWAC Spring News 2020

*EGLN Committee: make a difference

November 2nd 2020


*Projects updates: Bush for Birds and Wildlife

*Snapshot Rural Vic Awards

October 26th 2020


*Project update: VLG Habitats, Homes and Hollows

*Project Update: Birdlife Australia East Gippsland Nest Box Project

*Indigenous Plant Use Guide

October 19th 2020:


*Project Update: Lungs of the Lake

*Project Update: VLG Learning with Landcare

*Mineral Sands Mine, Glenaladale

October 12th 2020:


*Staff updates: Phillip Vaughan joins the team

*Project Update: Wires-Landcare Platypus Project

*Project Update: GLCC Predator Impact Project

*Project Update: Rabbit Management Guides

*Announcement of Biodiversity Bushfire Recovery Grants

October 5th 2020:

September 28th 2020:

September 21st 2020:

September 14th 2020:

September 7th 2020:

August 31st 2020:

August 24th 2020:

August 17th 2020:

August 10th 2020:

August 3rd 2020:

July 27th 2020:

July 20th 2020:

July 13th 2020:

July 6th 2020:

July 1st 2020:

June 22nd 2020:

June 15th 2020: