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Basalt to Bay Landcare Network in 2011 intitated a trial to see how people with diability or social inclusion barriers would integrate with people working on landcare activities. The trail worked with B2B organising activities for clients of Karingal (Disability Services) Killarney CoastCare and Warrnambool CoastCare Landcare Group.
In 2012 the Karingal Landcare Crew received funding from Powercor via Landcare Australia to commence a year long project to work with Warrnambool City Council at Albert Park.
The Crew used the funding to support the team with equipment and protective gear, whilst Warrnambool City Council assisted with helping the crew bring their enthusiasm to practical reality.
In 2014 we approached the Karingal Crew to see whether they would tender to maintain a rural site at Killarney where a road/riparian reserve managed by Moyne Shire Council was proposed for revegetation. They accepted and have maintained and replanted the 1ha site. It is a challenging location and a challenging soil type - so in early 2015 we approached Camperdown Compost Company. They donated 12 cubic meters of organic compost to help the plants along - which was then spread around by our Green Army Crew.
We also applied to the 2015 Moyne Shire Carbon Offset Grants and will use the funding to plant more trees into the site as conditions improve.