Erosion Field Day


478 Balkins Road

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Hamilton-Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group

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The soil at this Grassdale site has been moving due to moisture in the subsoil. This has caused part of the hillside to slip away. The area was fenced off and planted with trees in 2012, however there is still movement in the area. Soil Engineer Heinz de Chelard of Catchment Health Engineering has prepared a report to discuss and advise on the appropriate course of action. Heinz will also brief the group on the recent topic of
coal seam gas where extraction relies on an engineering method call hydraulic fracturing, also known as 'fracking'
A bus will leave the car park next to the Uniting Church and return to Darriwill Farm for a complimentary luncheon and further discussion

This event is part of

Hamilton-Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group

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478 Balkins Road