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This is a practical and hands-on training day on social media best practice - for people at every level of expertise.
At the training you will learn:
• how to set realistic objectives for social media with the time and people you have,
• how to use social media to raise awareness, funds and volunteers,
• how to present your best story,
• how to make best use of your existing social media channels,
• how to manage tricky situations,
• how other groups like yours use social media.
Facilitator: Kristen Boschma who will facilitate the training, has been a social media strategist and trainer for local, state and federal governments (Gold Coast City Council, Department of Justice, AEC), big global corporates like Walt Disney Corporation and Australian based companies like Telstra, Jetstar, Virgin and Energy Australia. Kristen loves to train social media and makes every session a fun, interactive experience.
More information: contact Phillip Wierzbowski (Coastcare Victoria Facilitator - Port Phillip and Western Port), Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Tel: 9450 8793, Mob: 0411 409 815, Email :