NEW Wetland Fact Sheets

Glenelg Hopkins CMA now has a range of fact sheets about wetlands!

Did you know Glenelg Hopkins CMA now has a range of fact sheets explaining why the natural wetlands of our region - which account for 44% of all wetlands in Victoria - are so particularly special and worth valuing? 

Launched as part of World Wetland Day activities on Sunday 2 February, six new fact sheets about wetlands have been developed as part of the Hopkins Wetland Restoration Project.

This is to help clarify what wetlands are, their importance, how to protect them and to provide simple information to landholders about wetlands. 

There are 6 fact sheets:

#1 Wetlands: Why are they important

#2 Wetlands: Your legal responsibilities

#3 Wetlands: Protecting your wetland

#4 Wetlands: Seasonal Herbaceous Wetlands

#5 Wetlands: Agriculture and the environment

#6 Wetlands: Saline and freshwater

These fact sheets are now available online at under Fact Sheets and Resources on the Glenelg Hopkins CMA website.

For printed copies, please contact Glenelg Hopkins CMA on 5571 2526.