Weed control: Roads and rail lines on the Victorian Volcanic Plain



Lake Bolac Bush Nursing Centre, Montgomery Street, Lake Bolac, Victoria



03 5571 2526

Do you control weeds on roadsides or rail reserves?

Want to learn more about:
- Protocols and laws that protect native grasslands and grassy woodlands.
- Weed biology and control techniques?

These workshops are for you!

Short presentations by people with lots of on-ground experience and a bus trip to look at weeds on site. Lunch and cuppas provided.

Glenelg Hopkins CMA

When: Wednesday 15th March 2017 

Where: Lake Bolac Bush Nursing Centre,

155 Montgomery St (Mortlake Rd) , Lake Bolac 

Time: 10:00am – 3:00pm

Who: Aggie Stevenson, 0435 537 443 a.stevenson@ghcma.vic.gov.au

Also being held at:

Corangamite CMA

When: Thursday 16th March 2017

Where: Bannockburn Golf Club

300 Shelford-Teesdale Rd , Bannockburn 

Time: 10:00am – 3:00pm

Who: Jess Lill, 0477 719 149 jess.lill@ccma.vic.gov.au

RSVP: Please book for catering and transport by Monday 13th March, to Aggie or Jess

Event files and flyers

Our event is here

Lake Bolac Bush Nursing Centre, Montgomery Street, Lake Bolac, Victoria