Roadside planting project 2005

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In conjunction with the Mansfield Shire, Howqua Valley Landcare group will be undertaking a project to clean up the weeds and revegetate the first two kilometres of the Howqua River road.

The first project for the Howqua Valley Landcare group in 2005 will be the upgrading of vegetation along the first two kilometres of the Howqua river rd. The work in conjunction with the Mansfield Shire will include removal of willows occuring in drainage lines along the road, weed spraying and revegetating the roadside reserve. A project plan is available for viewing and enquiries about the project can be directed to the groups president. The project will be funded by Landcare Australia and the shire of Mansfield will be contributing in kind support. Planting and the erecting of signage relating to the project will be carried out by group members.