Micro bats Evening


18 Barton Drive Baranduda

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Baranduda Landcare Group

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BLC's first activity for 2009 features Lindy Lumsden’s presentation on Micro bats and checking of a field bat trap and a free BBQ

This is BLC's first activity for 2009. Everyone (kids included) are invited to our Meet National Bat Expert Lindy Lumsden for a fascinating evening featuring presentations, live bats and field bat trap checking.


To assist with catering, RSVP to Simon Feillafe or Glen Johnson on 02 60 208 667 or email  baranduda@landcarevic.net.au - by Monday 9th Feb. 09 (please include dietary preferences)

Here are some photos of the event


This event is part of

Baranduda Landcare Group

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18 Barton Drive Baranduda