This event is part of
You are invited to attend a free, fun and informative event on the banks of the Bundara River, looking closely at water bugs and water quality.
The Friends of the Mitta
Invite you to join them
Thursday 18 October 2018
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
At 124 Callaghans Road, Anglers Rest VIC
Water bugs provide a useful indicator of the health of our rivers. John Gooderham from The Waterbug Company in Tasmania is coming to The Bundara to share some of his knowledge of water bugs with us. He’ll show us how to collect the water bugs and will bring his easy-to-use guides to help us identify them.
This is a free event but please let us know you’re coming before hand.
Please bring waders (if you have them), hat, camera, phone, food and water.