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Everyone is welcome to our pre-Christmas get together
We have our annual Breakup BBQ this coming Sunday, 11th December. This year, we will hold it at a new community area, close to the footbridge over Forest Creek. It is a short walk from Happy Valley Road or down the hill from Montgomery St.Matthew Brownrigg will do his marvellous lamb again, and we are asking for attendees to bring drinks, salads and something Christmassy to go with the lamb. The BBQ will start at 12 noon.During the event, we will hear from Greg Waddell about the work he has done in the immediate area, and also from Uncle Rick Nelson about an idea he has for involving some students in landcare activity.BEFORE THE BBQ (at 11.00 am) there will be a mini working bee in the same area for those who can help. We will do some weeding and brush-cutting for an hour.Bring sunsceen, hats, and insect repellent. The current forecast is for a warm and sunny day.We hope to see you there.