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Flood rehabilitation work and grass cutting
Meet on Montgomery St, at the path leading down to Forest Creek.
There are two tasks at slightly different locations.
1. The floods have left us with some rehabilitation work to do, this time at the footbridge and further downstream. The damage is not too serious but we need to clear away rubbish from around plants and replace stakes and guards. Bring mattocks, mash hammers, boots and gloves, and insect repellent.
2. We need to cut some long grass at the top of the Montgomery St Grassland area. Greg Waddell, as a Keeper of the Creek, has identified areas of good native grasses and plants for retention, but other areas can be cut to reduce fire risk. So bring brush-cutters and insect repellent for this job.
We will start at 9.30 am (heading into summer) and have morning tea at about 11.00 or 11.30.