Castlemaine Landcare Group Working Bee


Castlemaine Landcare Group

Preparation at the Indigenous Food and Fibre Area

Despite the corona virus emergency, our working bee on Sunday will go ahead, with precautions.  There are two jobs we want to complete:

1.  Lay out 300 stakes so that the contractor can come on Friday 27 March to dig the holes for our intended May planting - set at this time for Mothers Day (May 10) but subject to a further decision about a date when we know more about the progress of COVID-19;

2.   Scatter our remaining first year Murnong (Microseris walteri) seed into prepared trial areas. 

Fifty Murnong (aka yam daisies) were purchased from Frances Cincotta in October 2019 to start our "nursery" and the seeds were collected in the following couple of months. Murnong seeds lose viability after a few months so need to be planted now – or rather, scattered onto the soil so that the seeds get the natural light they need to germinate.

Corona virus precautions

At this working bee, in recognition of the importance of avoiding the spread of the new coronavirus, we will observe the practices of self-isolation, social distancing, and hygiene in the following ways that reflect our duty of care.


Do not come if you are unwell, immunocompromised or just concerned. Thanks to any who have already self-isolated. We wish you a good outcome.For those who do come and subsequently develop the symptoms that could be COVID-19, we would request you to advise the President, Christine Kilmartin, on 0418 325 350 asap. She will then advise all working bee attendees anonymously ("one of our attendees has …. ") to allow them to make their own decisions about their next steps.We believe this is part of our duty of care. Current evidence is suggesting that individuals may be contagious some days prior to the development of symptoms and may still be viral shedding (able to spread infection) for up to a month or more after the virus has been diagnosed.MAKE SURE YOU SIGN IN BEFORE STARTING WORK AND PLEASE WRITE YOUR CONTACT PHONE NUMBER CLEARLY.Our records will also register apologies due to self-isolation if you let us know.


PLEASE .....

•    Bring your own drinking water, cup and edibles for your morning tea

•    Bring a hand towel/paper towel, soap and at least 2 litres of water for your own hand and face washing (if you can)

•    Bring your own tools if possible – and clean them at home afterwards

•    Bring your own glovesTHEN ......

•    Wash hands upon arrival

•    If using group tools, select your tools and keep them with you for the session

•    Place your used group tools in the designated area for disinfecting – but remember that the best method of avoidance is to keep washing your hands well

•    Wash hands and face before morning tea

We (your committee) will have instructions displayed on the day.  We will provide top-ups for drinking water. We will also provide coffee and tea. We will observe hygiene practices to avoid touching people's bottles or cups.  We will have additional water for hand and face washing.

We will remind you not to touch your face (HARD TO REMEMBER) and to move away from people if you feel either a sneeze or cough coming on – and to use your elbow.

We will remind ourselves not to shake hands or greet other people by touch (ALSO HARD TO REMEMBER).


The areas for staking and the allocation of tasks will be designed to ensure that workers can stay at least 1.5m from one another. The areas will work similarly to the great layout morning we held at Old Farm Bend but with extra precautions. The site is very open and long and should accommodate this style of working.Nevertheless, please move away from other people when you feel that they are too close. We can redesign how you are working.The weather is looking good for a healthy workout, so we hope to see those who fit the criteria!W

Our event is here

Castlemaine Landcare Group