This event is part of
A practical construction workshop
Landcaring in Christmas Hills
The second in the program of Christmas Hills Landcare activities for 2008 is:
“Bait stations and nest boxes”
A practical construction workshop
at Cindy and Charlie’s property
460 One Tree Hill Road
from 2pm - 5pm on Sunday, 20th July, 2008
We recognise that rabbits are a significant problem but if we elect to use poison baits to control them we want to do it without poisoning the local wildlife. At our event “Rabbits and Foxes – control options” held in June last year at Peter and Jane’s we learned of a bait station design developed by Parks Victoria that allows rabbits in to take baits while excluding kangaroos, wallabies and wombats. You will have the opportunity to work with fellow members to make some of these bait stations
We also want to encourage more of our local native wildlife to breed in the area. Many species are dependant on tree hollows for roosting and nesting. Of particular interest is the local population of the threatened Brush-tailed Phascogale or Tuan. You will have the opportunity to work with fellow members to make nest boxes suitable for this species.
Then help us decide as a group how to make best use of what we have made.
Please wear sturdy footwear, and bring any of: angle grinder (with metal cutting blade), large bolt cutters, circular saw, electric drill, cordless drill.
Please also bring the appropriate safety gear for any of the equipment you bring
The rough program for the day is:
2:00pm – 4:00pm Practical construction of bait stations and nest boxes
4:00pm – 5:00pm Afternoon tea – socialising with good people and a bite to eat
You are welcome to extend this invitation to others you know are interested in landcare in Christmas Hills.
Please RSVP by Friday 11th July to:
Doug (ph: 9730 2626 or email: