This event is part of
A property visit and weed control works at the Melling’s property
Landcaring in Christmas Hills
The fourth in the program of Christmas Hills Landcare activities for 2010 is:
“Beating boneseed”
A property visit and weed control works
at the Melling’s property
opposite Jackie’s at 1010 Skyline Road(meet at Jackie’s)
from 2pm - 5pm on Sunday, 29th August, 2010
Introduced to Australia from South Africa about 150 years ago, boneseed is regarded as one of Australia’s worst weeds – listed in 2000 as one of twenty Weeds of National Significance.
With no natural enemies in Australia, boneseed produces large quantities of seed that is readily dispersed long distances by animals such as foxes and birds, allowing it to establish in undisturbed native vegetation. Boneseed appears to have benefited from the wetter seasons of late, with many seedlings now emerging in Christmas Hills.
Linda and Paul Melling own a significant area of land with remnant vegetation along Skyline Road, and we will focus on recognising and removing boneseed from their properties.
Boneseed produces its profusion of yellow daisy flowers in late winter/spring, so removing seedlings before they flower will prevent seed drop, and the current damp soil conditions mean they are relatively easy to pull out by hand at the moment. Although we will focus on boneseed, we will also identify and control other woody weeds species that we encounter.
Please wear sturdy footwear, and bring any of: secateurs, bow saw, gardening gloves,
The rough program for the day is:
2:00pm – 4:00pm Walk through the property, hear from Linda and Paul about their aspirations for their properties, pulling boneseed and other weeds as we go
4:00pm – 5:00pm Afternoon tea – socialising back at Jackie’s house
You are welcome to extend this invitation to others you know are interested in landcare in Christmas Hills.
Please RSVP by Friday 27th August to: Doug (ph: 9730 2626 or email: