Report - December 2012

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We've wrapped up our planting season and expended all the grant monies! Stocks of tree guards have been replenished.
The latest actions are: Swing Bridge Reserve - getting the grass slashed
so we can focus on the woody weeds! And we've marked all the wombat holes, and disposed of some of the dead trees.
Fox Road. Plantation is looking good - soil has dried brick hard - we'll need to water unless we get some rain. And we could put out some fertilizer!
The rest of the reserve has been sprayed for blackberry and other assorted weeds.
Rainbow Park. Spring of the monster weeds. School plantation has been hand cleared, but the rest has become overgrown with nearly every weed you can name! But they can be hand-pulled if we're quick!
Christmas Breakup - December 11 at Cafe 3858, Heyfield.
Pleasant evening and a traditional Christmas Feast.
All the best for the Christmas break - from Cowwarr Landcare Group.