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A presentation by weather expert David Packham (OAM) about the factors that influence Gippsland's weather and make us prone to bushfire.
Join David Packham (OAM) for an interesting evening, looking into what influences Gippsland's weather.
Hosted by Maffra and Districts Landcare Network, David's presentation will be held at the Boisdale Hall on Tuesday 29th October 2013, starting at 7.00pm.
David is recognised world-wide for his understanding of weather patterns that make our climate one of the most fire prone areas on the globe and what can and should be done to minimise this risk.
David is a co-developer of aerial prescribed burning that has been adopted as a major fire control technique throughout Australia and North America.
He is also a public advocate for non-evacuation as a strategy to decrease life and property loss during disastrous bushfires.
David will explain the uniqueness of Gippsland's weather which, as we know, can produce extreme fire or flood scenarios.
A light supper will be provided at the conclusion of David's presentation and information about being prepared for the fire season will be available.