Expert-led Seed Collection Session #2



Jeeralang North Hall, 1005 Jeeralang North Road, Hazelwood North



Jay Duncan
5163 1393

Jenny Wolswinkel from Seeds of Gippsland will take us seed collecting to learn how and to get seed for our 2020 direct seeding sites.

We'll learn how to collect usefully and efficiently, how to tell when seed of some species is ready and how to record our collections.

Bring your lunch if you'd like to stay on and go to more nearby sites in the afternoon. Jeeralang North is good to find seed for our elevated sites. We are also collecting for a stream-side site in a valley.

Please wear suitable clothing for going into the bush and interacting with plants. Bring, sunscreen, a hat and your waterbottle and snacks.

Bags to put seed in and a pair of secateurs will be useful. As will a pencil or pen to record species and locations.

Our event is here

Jeeralang North Hall, 1005 Jeeralang North Road, Hazelwood North