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Find out how you can plant native vegetation directly from seed.
DIrect seeding can be done on a large scale using machinery, or by people on foot using hand tools. It is a useful and relatively low cost method of planting for innaccessible, steep and /or difficult sites and for broad scale revegetation works. Bronwyn Teesdale will give an illustrated talk to explain the various methods used.
Bronwyn worked for Greening Australia for thirteen years specialising in large revegetation projects mainly involving direct seeding. Prior to that she owned an indigenous nursery, and she currently coordinates the Basscoast Landcare Volunteer Nursery at Bass.
For inspiration, there's a Greening Australia presentation that Bronwyn made at this link:
Yinnar, Yinnar South Landcare Group will hold our AGM
We'll prepare some seed for a planting field day on Sunday, August 18 in Morwell National Park.
We'll invite you to share some afternoon tea.