This event is part of
Back to basics: getting your pastures to work for you
To provide rural producers & agribusiness with current and new information on fertilisers, pasture species, pasture management, target stocking rates and animal productivity.
$20/head: Please RSVP by 21st March for catering
Students - FREE
Partners: Mitta to Murray Landcare Network
Albury-Wodonga Branch of the Grassland Society of Southern Australia Inc.
Contact: RSVP: Jim de Hennin 0408 978 847
Phone: Jeff Hirth 03 5726 5270 or 0428 832 007
Prizes: Valley Seeds and Heritage Seeds have donated pasture seed to be given to lucky attendees at the end of the day.
9.30 am. Registration and morning tea
10.00 am Alternatives to phosphorus fertiliser; any prospects?
Summary of recent trials (low fertility native pasture; high fertility phalaris pasture, mixed farming perennial pastures)
Dr Jeff Hirth, JHEAS, Springhurst, Vic.
10.45 am Phosphorus fertility – the key to pasture productivity, including the ‘Five Easy Steps’ to P fertilisation.
Nigel Phillips, DPI NSW, Wagga Wagga.
11.30 am Establishing and maintaining perennial pastures, including selection of pasture species with ‘Pasture Picker’ and grazing management principles.
Lisa Warn, Mackinnon Project, University of Melbourne, Werribee, Vic.
12.15 pm Lunch
Opportunity to inspect agribusiness displays in hall foyer, speak with speakers, and network with colleagues and friends.
1.30 pm What is happening with phalaris cultivars? Potential gains from Holdfast GT and Advance AT phalaris in this district?
Seed Mark speaker.
2.15 pm Target stocking rates for local soils and rainfalls? What should producers be aiming for and how to achieve/ maintain higher stocking rates. Discussion of Feed Demand Calculators.
Doug Alcock, NSW DPI, Cooma, NSW.
3.00 pm Animal health – soil health.
Dr Jeff Cave, DPI Victoria, Wodonga, Vic.
3.45 pm Finish.