Greetings Christmas Hills
This newsletter is to update you with news and events related to
Christmas Hills Landcare.
Included in this newsletter:
1. CHills Lounge - Friday, 3rd September
2. Nillumbik roadside weed control program
3. Course in Farm Chemical use - anyone interested in doing?
4. Community fauna monitoring funding application
5. 2010 - 2011 CHLG membership
6. Christmas Hills News - August edition
1. CHills Lounge - Friday, 3rd September
The CHills Lounge (Christmas
Community Happy Hour) is on again from 5:30pm onwards this Friday 3rd September at
the Christmas Hills North Fire Brigade Station on the
of Ridge and Muir Roads. A great way to meet and socialise with your
neighbours, these are held on the first Friday of every month.
2. Nillumbik roadside weed control program
Nillumbik Council has some
DPI funding for weed control specifically in the areas adjacent to the
areas burnt in the February 2009 fires.
The objective of this funding is to reduce the spread of weeds into the
fire affected area. Regionally prohibited or regionally controlled weed
species are being targeted (see list of species below)
The program is generally targeting roadsides within about 5km of the
burnt area (within the Landcare group's area this is down to about
Simpsons Road) and leading into it, however for weed species that are
spread by birds (ie typically have berries) the target area can extend
up to 20km from the burnt area (ie all of Christmas Hills).
If you know of roadside infestations of any of these species please notify Brad Tadday, Nillumbik Environmental Works Officer, on 9433 3203 or
Priority species
African Daisy; African
Lovegrass; Amsinckia; Artichoke Thistle; Bathurst Burr; Bridal Creeper;
Boneseed; Cape Broom / Montpellier Broom; Erect Prickly Pear; Gorse /
Furze; Great Mullein; Hardheads; Hemlock; Horehound; Paterson's Curse;
Ragwort; Saffron Thistle; Scotch Thistle; Serrated Tussock; Slender
Thistles; St John's Wort; Sweet Briar; Wild Garlic; Wild Watsonia
3. Course in Farm Chemical use - anyone interested in doing?
If you are ever likely to
want to use 'restricted use' chemicals (ie Schedule 7 poisons) for
pest, weed or disease control, you are required to hold a valid
Agricultural Chemical Users permit (ACUP). When applying for an ACUP it
is a prerequisite that the applicant has completed an approved training
course. The training that is being offered is one such approved
training course.
The training will be delivered by the Agriculture and Animal Science department of the Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE (NMIT), and is expected to require two full days of training.
We need to know who is interested in doing this training, and which
options for delivery of this training will suit those who are
If you are interested in doing the training, please let me know via
email by Friday, 10th September, which of the following options suit you
(please indicate all options that might suit you):
Thank you to all those who returned their expression of interest forms for the potential projects being considered by the Christmas Hills Landcare Group. The level of interest in extending the rabbit control program was reasonable but scattered, and therefore insufficient to build a case for a funding application. There is some potential, however, for a couple of areas with clusters of interest to try recruiting more properties for a future rabbit control program.
The August edition of the Christmas Hills News is now out. You can download a copy from the Christmas Hills Landcare Group website at: