Northern Yarra Blackberry Action Group (NYBAG)

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The Northern Yarra Blackberry Action Group formed in late 2011 in response to community concern regarding the impact of blackberry in our Northern Yarra area, following the 2009 bushfires. Up to May 2014, the program is assisting over 140 member participants with blackberry control on more than 3000 hectares of private land.

NYBAG is a community based group supported by the Victorian Government through the Victorian Blackberry Taskforce and the Federal Government's Biodiversity Fund. It represents private owners, Landcare groups, Yarra Ranges Council, the Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Parks Victoria, Melbourne Water,the Port Philip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority and VicRoads.

The Northern Yarra Blackberry Action Group has implemented an extension and community awareness program in Steels Creek, Dixons Creek, Chum Creek and parts of Yarra Glen, Tarrwarra, Healesville and Toolangi. 

The aim of the program is to reduce the growth and spread of blackberry on private land, and also on public/private land boundaries, by working together with all land managers to implement appropriate control measures.

To achieve this we are seeking landowner cooperation to help us identify infestations in your area, to let us know if you have a successful control program on your property or to discuss difficulties you may have. The program features a number of ways to support community action to control blackberry.

Blackberry is a noxious weed that is a major threat to both agricultural production and the natural environment. Immediate action is imperative to achieve the community’s desire for long term, permanent control of this plant in the Northern Yarra area.

To all landholders that have been active in tackling blackberry in the past, we thank you for your efforts, ask you to remain vigilant and look forward to your continuing support.

If you have any questions or queries about the program, please do not hesitate to call 8370 3084.